Home owners

We take care of everything...

Why Adore Cornwall?

It is the small touches that make the difference for both guests and home owners.  This is why we pay attention to the details that matter most to our clients: quality and simplicity. We never want to become a large company as we truly want to offer a hands on experience for both the home owners and guests. We go above and beyond to ensure that our relationships with guests and home owners result in recommendations, it is then we know our mission to support Cornwall can happen.

We are a small, dedicated team that can help ups every step of the way, whether you are happy to manage your own home but need some ideas on the interior and where to spend for the best return on your investment we can help. 

If you want full management we are a dedicated team that work together so all you need to look forward to is the happy reviews from guests

Full Management or Pick and Choose

If you would like your property fully managed, hassle free that is what we do very well. We always work closely with homeowners right from the start. We are flexible to what we can offer, you can pick and choose the services that will fit you and your home, from interior design to providing requirements for legal compliance.

Or you may prefer to manage your bookings yourself but would like to use some of our others services such as a booking calendar for direct bookings to link to your website, logo design, concierge service for bookings, written guest information books and more.....

Advertise only

We know some home owners are happy to mange their own bookings but believe in our ethos and would like some extra exposure. We charge a yearly fee which includes a property review and social media posts. We can arrange for professional photographs, welcome book and more, just contact us to discuss how we can help you get the most from your holiday home.

Property reviews

Do you have a property and thinking of holiday letting or need to invest money and not sure the best way forward. We can conduct a property review to advise you on the best return on your investment.

We work with home owners who are happy to manage their homes themselves but need that guidance, we can even do your branding. Are you thinking of stepping into the holiday home market and need to advise we can help.

Interior design and sourcing

If you need ideas on how to showcase your home we can help, if you have a set budget we love the challenge. You will be surprised on what you can achieve to get a look guests will love and will want to return. We work closely with local talented people to achieve your perfect place to stay.

Housekeeping & Property checks

From linen hire to full changeover cleans including of course specially selected welcome hampers full of local produce. At present we can only offer housekeeping to Adore Cornwall properties.
Some insurance companies need holiday homes to be checked at regular intervals, we can do this and inform you of any issues. Giving you peace of mind if you live away from Cornwall.

Want your own website and branding?

We can help you to do it alone. We can design your website and advise on direct booking management from how to take payments and making sure you do not get double booked.

Why Should You Consider Us?

Frequently Asked Questions

We have different packages from a full management fee to a package where you can pick and choose to what suits you best. There are no hidden fees. This includes advertising, professional photography, welcome books (locally made and no plastic), Full review on your home and where best to spend money for a greater return on your investment. 

We are aware that there will be local changes to regulations and guidelines for the holiday let market and we work closely with home owners to support this. 

Our guests provide ID, sign terms and conditions and we take a security deposit for every stay. Because we work closely with our housekeepers they inform us of any issues quickly. We also make regular checks of the property. 

If something gets damaged we charge it directly to the guest out of the security deposit.

Contact us now – we get back to everyone and there are no silly questions – we are happy to answer anything and show you our systems. An analysis of your property takes only a few days.

There are a few legal requirements you need to check off your list when preparing your holiday home:

1. Annual gas safety check by a ‘Gas Safe’ registered engineer

2. Inspection of the fixed mains wiring every five years

3. All other portable equipment inspected visually every three to six months and serviced regularly by a registered electrician

4. Fire risk assessment carried out by a competent person

5. Property and contents insured to their full value including public liability insurance

We are there for guests and home owners in an emergency 24/7. Because we are known to be such happy and friendly people to work with we are lucky enough to have a team of handy people we can call on in an emergency.

Our mission at Adore Cornwall is only manage a small number of homes in return that means we are very hands on not only for the home owners but the guests. We our proud that for one of our homes over 70% of yearly bookings are repeat guests. We must be doing something correct! 

Airbnb, Vrbo, social media and Adore Cornwall website 
